How’s the Progress?

Here it is the first of March and I just realized not only have I not posted an accountability blog in 3 months, I haven’t posted anything in that time! Much of the reason for the complete lack of posting is just the continued doldrums of seeming to always have bad news out of the cruise industry.

The wisdom of not scheduling a 30th anniversary cruise in June has definitely shown up, with Canada’s decision to close their ports to ships larger than 100 people. I find it interesting, to say the least, that the US is pressuring Canada to allow ships to dock but not disembark so they can meet the restrictions in a US law. Not that our politicians could do the actual right thing and repeal the provision of the Passenger Vessel Services Act that forces foreign stops for voyages starting or ending in a US port…

Ok, off the soapbox and on to accountability!

Weight Loss

I’m down almost 40lb since I started in November. I started losing at 410, and was down to 403 by the time I started tracking it regularly. As of this morning…38 lb lost!

I also set a personal record on my time to complete a mile. I’ve been working at or just longer thatn a 20-minute pace (20:30 or so), but Saturday for some reason I just kicked it and hit 18:30!

Learning Spanish

I’m up to a 108-day streak (I have used a few streak freezes along the way when life was just too busy on a day.)

Last week was an exceptional week there, too, as I finished second in my “league.”

Here are my stats and where I’m at progress-wise:

Overall, I’m pleased on the progress on both fronts. My SCUBA diving and Photography goals are still on hold, but that has always been the plan. I’m going to have some difficulty with the photography goal, because I lost my mentor on those skills to COVID just over 2 weeks ago. RIP, Steve.

I’ve also been lax in my goal of being more active in the cruise community. I’m working through how to re-order priorities a bit to enable that to happen. It being the first day of meteorological Spring in the Northern Hemisphere (astronomical spring is March 20 this year), it’s time for the annual rejiggering of my daily schedule due to severe storm season, anyway.

You’ll be seeing more posts soon!


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