October 22 – Victoria, BC, Canada

Today has been a day of rest and recharge for us. Been dealing with an urgent family situation that had the potential to cut the trip short — while it’s not as likely for this outcome as it looked yesterday morning, there is still a possibilty at any point in the trip that we could need to find a flight home.

The highlight of today was Choir of Man, the show this afternoon in the theater. We’d heard it was good….and it did not disappoint! Here is a video of the final number of the show (actually the first of the curtain call).

Otherwise today has been one of hanging out in our room and napping. I’ve been in the Obeservation Lounge the last hour or two, as it is easier to post when I have a table to type on.

We aren’t going into Victoria tonight. Instead, I want to dediate the rest of this post to my “Vacation Heroes” — the crew members who have done something that’s helped make this trip memorable.

Vacation Hero 1: Surina Taljaard, GM Secretary

We had no idea that being the organizer of the Crusie Critic Meet and Mingle came with quite a number of unadvertised benefits! I’m going to do my part and keep the benefits unadvertised 🙂

Having Surina as a contact has made this leg of the trip spectacular! She’s helped arrange numerous things over the past week, including the internet ccess that’s allowed me to keep posting to the blog daily and has been a lifesaver in dealing with the family health situation from a distance. She finishes her contract as GM Secretary tomorrow, but will be staying aboard and working in the photo department until Miami.

Vacation Hero 2: Rowena, bar waiter, Obeservation Lounge

Rowena has been a true joy to interact with. Every NCL employe is nice to a fault. But Rowena takes it beyond the job requirements, Her friendliness is quite obviously genuine, even in interactions that sometimes are no more than five seconds long. She is a happy, friendly person who is working in a customer service role, rather than a customer service person who is required to be happy and friendly as part of their role.

Honorable Mention: Kim Bolivar, assistant waiter

Kim noticed that I was blogging and we had a nice conversation lasting about 5 minutes about my blog, how I was doing it, and about her desire to start her own blog/vlog. I wish her best of success in her effort!

Our Room Steward, Julius, is also a Vaation Hero, but I  will call him out in a separate post during the next leg of the trip.

On the next leg of the trip, I’ll do a better job of getting photos of these special people!

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