October 28 – At Sea

This was a sailing day, and a recharge day for us (originally it was to have been the day we visited San Diego). With Roxan’s dad back home, we were able to put that stress far enough out of our mind to have 3-4 days of actual relaxation and vacation.

I’m writing this some time later, on November 9th. The ship is completing the Panama Canal passage. We are not on it, I’m sitting in front of my computer at home.

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The reason is that Roxan’s dad passed away on 31 October as we were in the process of cutting the trip short and debarking in Puerto Vallarta. I’ll tell the story of that day in correct sequence — but as you might imagine I am losing details of the memories of those four vacation days (Thursday through Sunday). So this will be less detailed, as will the account of Cabo San Lucas and Mazatlan.

A quick diversion to departure from Los Angeles on the 27th…I took a quick video of us pushing off the dock.

We saw two shows Friday night: a comedian and a comedy magic show…in which yours truly ended up on the stage as the audience member for one of the illusions.

Being a sound guy, I was fascinated by the technology in the theater — I wanted to take time and observe the tech crew during a rehearsal but was unable to before the cruise was cut short. From the speaker stack to the lights, I was taking it all in:

We also bought NCL-branded lanyards…which I dubbed “Henry Ford Lanyards” because we could get them in any color — as long as it was black.

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(I did notice the next day, around the corner from this case, a display of other colors)


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