Days 1 & 2: Driving to Meet the Ship

So let’s start off with the question that I imagine is bugging a number of readers: why drive two days to get on the cruise ship? Why not just fly to New York City? I have two reasons:

Driving is less expensive

It is possible to fly to New York City for less than the combined cost of gas, wear and tear, hotels, and meals. But that would mean flying in conditions we choose not to experience when they can be avoided:

  • small planes (Embraer 170) operated by regional carriers (Envoy, if we’re flying American)
  • small-plane to larger-plane connections (change terminals) at hubs
  • tight connections at hubs
  • multiple hops (can’t fly direct from either Wichita or Kansas City)
  • leave early or arrive late

When I made the decision, avoiding those things cost about $450 per person round trip. At the time, the gas for the round trip was $340. I repriced the flights September 20th. I could not avoid several of the items in the list, and the cost was up to $1,000 per person. The budget for gas has gone up to about $440 round trip, $540 if we get bad gas mileage.

Driving is less stressful

I enjoy driving. I also enjoy any day I don’t have to interact with the Agencia des Security Theatre (TSA). A traffic jam will eventually clear. My car is not going to bump me to another day. I have alternate travel routes and methods in case of breakdown. There’s no possibility of a strike. Inadequate air traffic controller staffing in the busiest air corridor in the nation won’t cause me to be delayed. I don’t have to worry about my luggage being lost, or too heavy, or unable to be fit in the overhead bin. The seat doesn’t hurt my hips. I know what diseases the person sitting next to me has had and been exposed to recently.

But mostly? I enjoy driving.

Our route

Our trip to the ship is not a relaxed pace — it’s two pretty hard days of driving. If it were more than Roxan and me I’m not sure it would be achievable. We have a more relaxed pace coming home, taking three days to do the same drive.

Day 1 is Wichita to Indianapolis, Day 2 is Indianapolis to NYC area (North Bergen, NJ)

Day 1 featured a two+ hour delay on I-70 east of Effingham, IL while an injury semi crash with fire was handled and cleaned up. Photos from yesterday are here.

Today started beautiful, near Indianapolis and we had a great trip, though longer than planned, through the Appalcians. JUst oidn a hoto dump; it’s late and we have a repack to do tomorrow before leaving the hotel.


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