Even though this rowdy comedy musical has been aboard several NCL vessels for a long time (the Stage Manager said during the Behind-the-Scenes the load-in door backstage had not been opened in “years”), the guys never fail to entertain!
We saw the show Saturday night (in fact I am writing this a little over 24 hours after the show finished).
Although they encourage taking photos and video I didn’t take many until I got to the back of the theater late in the show.

Pre-show they invite passengers on-stage to partake of a free beer. What the actors drink is alcohol-free, but what they serve is the real thing. Little did we know pre-show, they were scouting the audience for some unwitting participants at one point in the middle of the show. Our friend Scott Drageset was one of the three “lucky” folks chosen for that, and he hammed it up with the best of ’em! Sorry I didn’t get any blackmail photos of that 🙂

A side note from a sound guy’s perspective: the sound was superb back around the delay ring, which (not-so) coincidentally is about the position of the sound engineer’s ears while he is mixing. From there it was a great stereo field, I could place voices and instruments within it, and the mix was tonally balanced. From our seats against the audience right-hand wall, the sound was much flatter to my ears and I had a number of times that I was challenged to pick the lead vocal or speaking line out from the rest of the music, singing, or whatever was going on. Something that reminds me to get out of my hidey-hole at the back of the room and see how it’s being experienced elsewhere from time to time…and also maybe a caution that if you want hear the best sound in the Escape theater, the back third of the room in the center section is your best bet.
Here are some samples…remember when you listen, this was taken from handheld cell phone.
As long as this persists on NCL, I will make time to attend it! (And they say it may be going on tour next year…)