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On the Road, Off the Grid (ish)

As much as I love Kansas I’m ready to be away for a while. We got out of home ahead of my mental schedule, so I’m feeling pretty relaxed right now. As I write this, I’m riding in Cristi’s car, a rare experience for me because I generally drive. We’re about 1/3 the way to … Read more

Pouring on the Gas

Is it just me or does the final few days before a vacation really speed up this much?

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Takin’ Pictures

I’m a casual photographer at best. It’s a hobby I’ve wanted to invest time in, but have not really been able to until I started traveling 6 years ago. This trip will be exciting from the standpoint of a variety of photo opportunities.

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A Room with A View

Large balcony, close to the water, fairly close to the restaurants — what’s not to like? There are a few things…depending how you look at a room’s pluses and minuses.

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Giving Up

One of the things I didn’t anticipate when I decide to take a month vacation was the time and effort it would take to leave it behind. Who would have known, I’m a control freak?

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Just a Week Away

A week to go, in fact we’ll be 6 hours into the adventure a week from this moment!



This trip has involved so many changes in the past 60 days…some good, some no so much. But the time has come to put planning aside and just go along for the ride.

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Itinerary for the Big Trip

Even writing the itinerary feels like a slog by the end of the 21-day segment of our trip. But I think I’ve come up with a good balance of sight seeing, activity, rest, and self care that will keep it enjoyable.

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Three Months and Counting

Three months form sail date, we have everyting booked and paid for — it’s starting to become more real by the day!

Getting Social

Taking a bit today to get things setup for the Cruise Critic members who will be joining ups on our journey.


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