
Accountability: 05-Dec-2020

Check in, a month into our 24-month journey to prepare for the cruise….and check out the halfway-across-the-country trip I took just before Thanskgiving!

Image of sunrise breaking over the earth as seen from space

The Opportunities Two Years Offers

This planning two years in advance is new to us! But it gives the opportunity and the impetus to do several tings that have been on the “want to do/sound fun/but don’t have the time” list for too long.

Hurricane Eta Forecast Cone, Fri Nov 6, 2020

There is one worry…

2020’s hurricane season has been odd, and prolific. Is there a risk to taking a cruise from mid-October to mid-November?

Double Standard Much?

We’ll be making a BUNCH of lemonade from the lemons thrown our way by the CDC’s continuing double-standards regarding cruise ship travel.


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