On the Road: Different Things at Different Times
A long day on the road with still more to go. It ain't nothin' but a thang...
Could a Cruise be in My Near Future?
Events on the calendar are starting to lighten up. You almost never see this long. Go between times that I ...
Wow, Just Three Weeks Away!
21 days and counting till sailaway -- less than 19 days until we leave home to drive to NYC for the cruise! A quick catch up on life since the last post, and what's coming up on this sweet fall leaf peeping tour.
Light Houses, Trains and Tours
Our trip to New England and Canada this fall features a mix of NCL-booked excursions and privately-booked ones. I think it worked out o a nice balance of activiites.
We’ve Chosen Our Next Two Destinations
After some thought we have picked two destinations for our next cruises this fall and next summer. Not overseas yet -- US/Canada trips. One east, one west.